Monday, August 13, 2012

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Game:  Tomb Raider Anniversary
Year (s):  2007
Company:  dev.  Crystal Dynamics, Buzz Monkey                                       Software, Nixxes Software
                  pub.  Eidos Interactive
Engine: Crystal Engine
Type:  Third-Person Gymnastics with occasional                        gunplay
Metacritic Score:  83
My Score:  Hey, a remake of an average game!.

Price (as of July 31, 2012)

Regular price on Steam:  $9.99
Lowest Buy-It-Now on eBay (new, with shipping):  ~$8

What is It?

Tomb Raider: Anniversary is a re-skinned version of the original Tomb Raider, released ten years afterwards. 

Graphics are superior to the original, but not competitive at release.  They look like something that came out around 2004, not 2007. 

Gameplay is virtually identical to what I remembered, which isn't a good thing.  All the jumping, vaulting, and other acrobatics require clumsy key combinations.  I couldn't get the hang of basic things like dodging. 

Expansions / DLC / Sequels

There are a number of games in the franchise, along with a few movies.  I can't recommend any of the other games because I haven't played them. 

Final Thoughts

The first Tomb Raider was known perhaps more for having a nude patch that for its merits as a game.  I got this for the nostalgia value, but the messy controls caused me to quickly lose interest.  Pass on this one.    

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