Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Prodigal Sorcerer (Tim) Deck

I hadn't planned to build a deck around Prodigal Sorcerer and his buddies (they used to be called, "Tim")
I was putting away cards from Born of the Gods (a set I was not particularly impressed by) when I came across Horseshoe Crab.
In high school, I had a crappy deck that turned Horseshoe Crab into a reusable fireball by using enchant creature spells like Fire Whip or Psionic Gift.
I did a search for similar creatures, but was kind of let down.  Soliton, a 3/4 artifact creature for 5, was the only creature with the exact same untap cost.
Blizzard Elemental and others cost significantly more mana to untap, making repetition less likely.

My search brought up other cards, notably Charisma, Sigil of Sleep, and Curiosity.
I've used two of those, and saw how well they all paired with Tims.
My failed attempt at a Horseshoe Crab deck also showed me Freed from the Real and Pemmin's Aura, both giving an ability of Pay one blue: untap enchanted creature.
I ended up with something I hadn't been planning, but it looks like it could be a fine annoying casual blue deck.
Another benefit?  A card from Homelands!  ...And I already have pretty much everything I plan to use.

The tap this creature: deal one damage mechanic has shifted to Red.  The last blue creature with this ability was in Time Spiral.

This is the end result.  I hope to try it out this weekend.

Prodigal Sorcerer (Tim) Deck
60-Card Format

The Tims

4 Prodigal Sorcerer
4 Thornwind Faeries
4 Suq'ata Firewalker
1 Reveka, Wizard Savant
1 Zuran Spellcaster

The Untap for One Blue Auras

4 Freed from the Real
4 Pemmin's Aura

The Annoyance

4 Charisma
4 Curiosity
4 Sigil of Sleep

The Keeps me Alive Guys

3 Shape Stealer
3 Fog Bank

22 Islands


Anonymous said...

Wow this is an awesome deck! good stuff.

I am looking to build a budget Tim deck that has to fit within $20. I will probably switch out Charisma with Counterspell and switch out the blockers for something like Meekstone etc. Thanks for the ideas, do you have some field experience with this deck since building it about two years ago?

Greg Thomas said...

This is certainly a budget deck. I usually play 3-4 player casual legacy free-for-all, where this deck (and a Horsehoe Crab variant) were ultimately not successful for two reasons:
1. The deck is a little slow. Many things cost three mana, so I would often play only one spell per turn. There was also a lack of mana to both cast spells and untap the Tims effectively.
2. Everyone hates Charisma on a Tim. Once that's out, every other player tried to do whatever they can to disenchant the aura, neutralize the Tim, or kill me outright.

Can't go wrong with Counterspell and Meekstone. Good luck!