Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Spreading Plague Deck

The other other Ben was looking up some cards and Mentioned Tainted Aether.  This reminded me of a crappy deck I once built with Tainted Aether, Spreading Plauge, and Blinking Spirit (it was a beginner's deck, and it didn't work).  I hadn't thought of Spreading Plauge in years, but clearly saw the use of it, and had the cards to build a mean muiltiplayer deck built around it.  Note: this is intended for 3-4 player type 1.5 free for all, and has not been tested yet.

Spreading Plague
60-Card Format

4 Spreading plague
4 tutors

2 sway of illusion
2 Distorting Lens
4 scuttlemutt
4 transguild courier

4 bone hoard
2 Lashwrithe
2 Cranial Plating
2 Darksteel Juggernaut

4 Silver Myr
2 Dimir Cluestone
2 Solemn Simulacrum
2 Crystal Chimes

2 Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII


2 Springjack Pasture
2 Seat of the Synod
2 Vault of Whispers
3 Watery Grave

12 Swamps

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